Thursday, October 18, 2012


Dear visitor,
Welcome! The very purpose of this blog is to study the history of the world as much finer as possible crossing the geographical, linguistic and religious borders. One suggestion from my side is that we can use the so called religious books or records namely the Bible, Quran, Hindu literatures like Vedas, Puranas, Ithihasas and x, y, z as history books. These works contains great amount of information about the past which were once the past's present! Not only these, there are lots of Tamil literary works like Pathu paattu, Ettu thogai, pathinen keel kanakku, pathinen mael kanakku, Thirukkural etc., These contain a wealth of information about the past. My motive is to study whatever we can and get as much information as possible and share it. I hope you gain something out of this blog. Enjoy!
Thank you,
Ragavendran B.

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